September 28, 2011

Grandmas make life a little bit better

So this morning as I was getting ready to leave my work, I received a phone call from my Nana. She is my grandma, but everyone calls her Nana. When I picked up I heard her enthusiastic voice saying, "Courtney, I love your blog! and I read it everyday!" Hearing those words warmed my heart. She said next, "I sent the link to all my friends, my boss, and everyone I know." By the time she said that I had a smile ear to ear. 4 words... I Love My Family. I wouldn't change a single thing about anyone in my family. My grandma has been so supportive since day 1 and the fact she reads Bee's and I blog everyday is so amazing. I know I always write about my family, but when things like this happen, I just want people to realize how amazing family can be. If you let your family be your #1 priority and share your life with them and support one another, your life will only get that much better. I love knowing that when I post a new blog, not only will little fashionistas be reading it but my Aunt, grandma, sister, and mom will be reading it too, all because they love and support me. Couldn't ask for a better life.

Nana and I at my graduation. Again... always their to support me!

Followers, today tell your grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, mom, dad, or whoever supports you that you love them, support them, and appreciate them. FAMILY IS EVERYTHING.

ily forever and ever,

1 comment:

  1. Hey SEA, don't forget your aunt Lizzy, who was a faithful "Bee and Sea" reader before Nana! In fact, I'm the one who told her about your beautiful blog! XOXO I read you every day, too. You have inspired me in making my blog more interesting, colorful and artistic. I could not love you more... XOXO Liz :-)

