December 20, 2011

Al Naturale

Since it's that time of year where family and friends get together, the most common thing to do to spend time with each other is eating. Lots of my friends have complained they have gained their freshman 15 and I don't know one person who is happy with their body. I went to spin class with my sister this morning, and I noticed how much she has been working on her fitness, and I told her that I thought she looked really good. In response she said "Yeah, but it is hard when all I see are the imperfections". When she said this, it dawned on me that every girl thinks this (unless your like a Victoria Secret Angel). We all try so hard because of the pressures of today's society is too look perfect. My wish this holiday season is for girls out there to feel more comfortable in their skin. Who would we be without our imperfections? Because that is what makes us unique. I decided to take pictures completely free of any make-up; al naturale. Looking through the shots we took, it was hard for me to pick a picture because of my self consciousness of blemishes and semi wet hair. But what would the point of this post be if I had a face caked with foundation and super edited picture that was brightened and contrasted? 

I hope this encouraged you to embrace your beauty, because it's yours and no one else's. 


1 comment:

  1. Knowing you this long, I know how beautiful you are inside out!xoxo

