January 15, 2012


It is almost 3 o'clock on Sunday afternoon and I have never felt so lazy in my entire life. It is comforting knowing that there is no school tomorrow because that is the last thing I want to do. 500 days of Summer is on and it is the perfect excuse for me to stay inside even longer.
The first week of classes was extremely hectic. Of course, my schedule didn't work out and I had to drop and swap a couple classes. Before I left for school I was too excited to head back to Arizona. But a week in, I am actually more homesick than ever. I guess it's normal to feel like this after a beautiful month at home. Whenever I find myself in transition period, I tend to feel the most lonely at this time. But I guess I am asking for it when I seclude myself in my room, like today. Over half of my school is seeing Avici today, and while their mobile uploads and Instagrams are reminders that I was too broke to get a ticket, I will be perfectly content inside with my TV, hot coffee and blog updating.

til' next time,


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