February 13, 2012

Bow and Arrow

It's funny how just one simple song and some rummaging through Facebook photos can really change your mood, or in my case, inspire me to write. Instead of using my own personal experience, I am using someone else's story, her love story. She is very close to my heart, and whenever something happens to her, I am the first she calls for help. She has been through so many ups and downs with her boyfriend, and seeing her go through this is so hard for me to watch. Naturally, I hate seeing her sad! Because of my negative feelings of him, I decided to completely shut him down every time she talked about him and because of this, she started to shut me out and not talk about him anymore. Over the past couple of months they have been working on rebuilding their relationship, and I am noticing how much happier she is now that he is back in her life. Since Valentine's day is tomorrow, it is a constant reminder of how single most of us are in the world but really, it is just a day like any other. I told myself I wasn't really going to contribute to the whole I'm-single-poor-me fest. But instead I will contribute this post to all the happy couples out there. Seeing her so happy, makes me so happy, so why not be happy or those who have a healthy relationship going on? (I don't think I have ever written the word "happy" so many times in a sentence.)
Anyways, happy day before Valentines Day bloggers,

Your's truly,


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