February 28, 2012

The Broken Image

This past sunday at Mariners Church was the second service of a series called, "The Naked Truth." Its about sex, god, and love. Mike Erre, the pastor, speaks about things you just don't talk about in church. I strongly encourage all of you christians, and even non believers, to listen to his sermons. They put them online every week: Click Here to Listen. This week the topic was called, "The Broken Image." Mike talked about how we have to stop looking at the people in the magazines, on the t.v. and on the runways and think, "why don't I look like this?" We have cultural ideas of beauty and how we are supposed to look, but it is all a lie. We can eat, we can have hips, we can walk around not wearing makeup. You are unique. You were made just the way you were supposed to be made. No two people should look the same, or have the same body. Literally we are in a world where 12 year olds post youtube videos and ask if they are pretty. This has to change. Today, make an effort to stop comparing yourself to others, stop dwelling on your not perfect body, and stop thinking you are not beautiful... because you are. 

Please listen to Mike online, even though you might not be a christian, he addresses issues that everyone can relate to.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting this. Saw the link on Facebook. I agree wholeheartedly - It has and will be an awesome 10-week series.

    -A volunteer at Naked Truth.

