February 8, 2012


Woke up early this morning to write a paper (I always write better with a good night of sleep and a cup of iced coffee at my side). As I am arriving on my second paragraph, I realized it was time for me to take a break. I know, I am only on my second paragraph: LAME. But with Bon Iver serenading me through Pandora, it is hard to just focus on vocational learning in my rhetorical analysis essay, which I am actually really interested in. The past few weeks have been somewhat of a blur of papers, homework and lots of lots of driving. I feel like I am now back to my studious self and I give a lot of thanks to my encouraging parents. My father told me on the phone last night to make the best of my once-in-a-lifetime college experience socially and academically; you only get to do it ONCE. Knowing this, that's when balancing it all really is a challenge. I believe that if I graduate college in one piece, a solid GPA all while retaining amazing friendships: that's when I know I have done it. Life is all about retaining knowledge and relationships (with family, friends, etc.) I feel like a lot of people don't understand the importance of both. So while I experiment with my newfound epiphany, I will let you all know how it goes.

Forever and ever,


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