March 20, 2012

I'd Rather Be..

In need for some motivation to help me stay focused in school! Spring break ended and it was such a tease for summer. Being home makes me love where I live even more, and when I go back to school it makes me more homesick every time. I am currently sitting in my Studies of Eastern Asia class, and although learning about the different buddhist organizations in America is very interesting, I would rather be blogging. In fact, I would rather be blogging, browsing the internet or shopping over anything school related (hopefully my parents don't read this post). But, this post isn't intended to share with the world my lack of focus I am having in school but to learn from my bad study habits! I guess I am going to do some reverse psychology, on myself? Sometimes writing helps me with my need to vent, so I can move on with my life and actually focus on what my number one priority is right now: school. So, I am hoping that when I finish this post, I will go into a long day of focus-study-mode..which begins..NOW.
To be continued..

me with my friend Jeni in Palm Springs, CA


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