April 27, 2012

It's Been a While

It has been way too long since we have posted, and I sincerely apologize! Second semester has seemed to be kind of a whirlwind.
So I am sitting in my room on this beautiful Friday afternoon with a constantly repeated episode of Khloe and Lamar playing in the background while I write this post. I am tired but feel that sleeping would be just a complete waste of my day. As I am staring at the walls in my room, I can't believe that I am moving out of here in 2 weeks. It is unreal how fast my freshman year has gone by. It has probably been the craziest, most eventful year of my life, and it took a long time to adjust to. Some of my relationships have made a 180 as well as I have started so many new ones. I have learned to balance friends with school as well as keeping in touch with old ones. I feel like college really makes me look at life in a new perspective, and I really do feel like I think differently about a lot of things because of all the events that have occurred over the past year. College has become a bridge for me, not just academically, but emotionally as well. Because of all the insane things I have come across this year, I have learned to be a better person because of it, and surround myself with more positively influencing others. I hope my fellow freshmen readers feel me through this post, and I wish all of you the best of luck on your last few weeks of the semester.


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