May 14, 2013

DIY Mother's Day

I hope you all spoiled your mama's this mother's day!! My mom had work at 7 AM, so in the middle of the night I decorated the kitchen and put out her gift. She woke up to this...

An easy gift, or something to store your gift in, is this DIY Box.

Materials (All from my favorite store Paper Source):
- Plain White Box of any size
- Ribbon
- Pretty Paper (2 different designs with same color scheme)
- Mod Podge
- Brush
- Scissors

1. Cut the paper to fit the sides of the box and lid
2. Cover the back of the paper with one layer of Mod Podge
3. Paste the paper down delicately
4. Tie ribbon in a bow around the lid

There you go! An adorable box :)

These fun, colorful Pom Pom's were made from a Martha Stewart Kit. They were easy and fast to make! Brightened up the whole room. 

This is my Mother, Kirsten Springer. 
She is my everything. She does it all: works full time, is back in school to get her Bachelor's degree, and saves live every day. She is the charge nurse in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Cottage Hospital. She is amazing at her job. I got to bring her lunch on Mother's Day and see her in action. I talked with one of her patients and as she held my hand she said to me, "you are so blessed to have Kirsten as your mother." Yes I am. I couldn't be prouder to have such a strong, hard working woman as my mom and best friend. She is an inspiration to me and many others. 


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