January 3, 2011

rain rain, go away

Today was a blur of Hunter rain boots, quilted puffed jackets and bare knees at Mater Dei. It has felt like a never ending day probably because its the earliest anyone has gotten up in the past 2 weeks. School hummed of NYE's gossip and who got what for Christmas. Senioritis is kicking in and everyone is over everything. I met up with Sea after school to grab a bite to eat. Next year got brought up and it made me feel scared out of my mind; the fact that I, or anyone else, has no idea where they're going to be next year is absolutely terrifying. Our parents try to tell us it will all work out and teachers keep assigning more and more work preparing us for the following years. When we were kids, we knew where we were going to live, go to school and what playground we were going to play on or what table we would call dibs on in the cafeteria. Next year is going to be a little different. Where am I going to live, study, shop, or hang out with on an idle tuesday night? It's quite a mystery. As I'm typing away, my cat purrs loudly and my mom and my sister are watching the bachelor (in different rooms) the noises can be annoying but assuring because I know this is going to be some of the last few months like this. The feeling of curiosity and hope fill my head as I wait for college admissions letters slowly kindle in. We all know things are about to change, we will be making huge life decisions now, and we are going to make time for the people we love most. For those who have a few more years, or for those who are beginning their journey, good luck! For I'm still trying to figure out what the hell I'm going to do with my life. Toodles for now.
ily forever and ever,

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