July 21, 2011

My Life on the Bee List

Today, all I'm listening to is XX and I've never felt so contained in my entire life. Sitting in a chair for seven hours is anything but compelling. I look very unaproachable with both headphones in my ears and my eyes droopy, this is just how a receptionist should look right? I have been thinking about what I should blog about all day today. First I was thinking about sharing my feelings on denim on denim. Then maybe mention my new favorite earings I saw at a cute boutique called Laurenly. But, today I guess I'm ignoring the fashion and bringing something else to the table. Don't you hate when everything is going great in your life but then one little thing brings you down? (I'm jealous to the ones that this doesn't happen to, teach me your secret) Why does that have to happen. I'm not going to have a sulk sesh right now but I want to share something my best friend taught me (Sea). If we focus on atleast ten positive things going on in our life today, we can completely change our mood. So, go ahead, write them down. Now, soak them in your thoughts and let them take over. So poetic , I know, but it works.
Here's one thing I lucked out on: friends with great advice.
ily forever and ever,
my list for today:

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