June 7, 2012

Spotted Moth

Hello Everyone! It's Sea.
I am so sorry that I haven't posted in months, but I'm back.
The past couple of months for me have been filled with finals, volunteering, school, and work. But now.... ITS SUMMER! Nothing is better then having your best friend back home and just enjoying the peace and quiet of having nothing to do. Well not quite nothing to do. Yesterday, Bee and I were asked to model for the clothing store, Spotted Moth. Here are a couple behind the scenes pictures of the shoot.

Please visit there website and shop away! Spotted moth is filled with the cutest, most affordable clothes. spottedmoth.com

Have an amazing weekend,

1 comment:

  1. Hi girls! I just stumbled on this blog and i have to say you guys are doing a great job! I love the fashion sense of you too! :)
    I was wondering if you girlies could possibly dedicate a post to dresses which show your back? i've been going crazy looking for a back bearing dress but I just cannot find one! I would greatly appreciate any help on where to find some from you two!

    Keep up the good work! xx

