December 19, 2012

Coming Soon

Cannot believe I haven't posted in 6 months. I think.. but it has been a very hectic semester. I hope you are all well. I feel like everyone has been doing so much with their lives; moving, schooling, pinning and working. Everyone is on the go! There has been so many changes going on lately, what better thing to do than write about it?
Currently I am in no glamorous of a setting, I am sitting at a desk in the back of a room packed with file cabinets and binders. It is slow around the office at this time of the year, and even if there is work, my co-workers feel bad giving it to me.
So lets get right to the point.
Where have Bee & Sea been?
Well, not here that's for sure. But we are going to be posting regularly again.
Sometimes one needs to adjust to some personal business first in order to get back into old habits. We love old habits!
Happy holidays everyone! Can't wait to post again soon.


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