April 26, 2013


Sea here! I have been feeling very blessed recently. I often wonder why I get the privilege of living such a great life. I have a home, I have the best support system (family & friends), I see the ocean right outside my front door, I get to go to school, and I am safe. Out of all the places in the world that I could have been born and raised, it was Southern California. If you are reading this blog in bed, or waiting to watch the Rachel Zoe Project, take a moment and count your blessings. 

In the beginning of this year I made a "2013" jar. Every time there is a moment I never want to forget, I write it on a sticky, and put it in the jar. I have filled it already with so many amazing memories and on New Year's I will get to look back on all the fun, positive things that happened to me this year. I hope I have inspired a DIY day... and a grateful heart.


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