January 13, 2011

Empire State of Mind

Good evening all!
Ever since I was a little girl there has been one place I have always dreamed of living. One place I could see myself calling home and picture my self bundled up with  a faux fur coat and forty two different multicolored scarves on with my hair tucked away in a beanie. Yes, you guessed it New York City! I have just recieved the news of my acceptance to Marrymount Manhattan College. I have never been so shocked in my life! It was a reach school for me and ironically was the first letter I have recieved from the 15 schools I applied to! It's amazing how things seem to work out. I worried and had nightmares about not getting into college, and here I am staring at my first acceptance letter. Time flies when you stress out! (ha!) This is a quick post since I have 2 minutes left on my workshift and I am meeting Sea at home to go to a celebration dinner! But all I gotta say is things will work out and for some it may not come easy but with a little hard work and determination you will get there. Everything happens for a reason and if you don't get into that school you hoped for, there is a reason why and you may not find out until 10 years from now, but there is one!
you know what they say, if you make it there, you'll make it anywhere
its up to you new york new york!
ily forever and ever

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