January 25, 2011

I Gotta Feeling

It's been a while since I have written! With finals taking over my life, it was hard to find time to sit down and pour my thoughts onto my blog! Now I finally have some time to relax and type away! I have also waited a couple of days to write because sometimes I have so much going on in my head I can never pin point one idea, and then when I do, I can never seem to explain myself (I'm sure some of you know what I am talking about). So as I was driving to school this morning with my twin sister we were talking about when you go through certain time periods in your life you have that certain "feeling". For instance, first semester of freshman year reminds me of the smell of chicken fingers from the cafeteria and sitting in the old gym watching rallies. Or sophomore year reminds me of that "feeling" of waiting for your permit to pass so you can finally get your license, or no longer talking on your Voyager, but instead of moving on to the Blackberry. Junior year reminds me of that total carefree feeling, and being oblivious to reality. It is so hard to explain these "feelings" because each of us have our own. There are also those "feelings" when a certain season comes around, like Christmas time of those weeks right before spring break. Or those times you'll be in the car and "Your Love is My Drug" by Ke$ha will come up and you think to yourself "oh my god this totally reminds me of that jersey shore party junior year" (ya some of you know what I'm talking about). Some of these feelings make us miss how things used to be. I miss how carefree I was last year, and I miss drama free freshman year and how everyone was friends with everyone. I wonder if next year, wherever or whatever I end up doing, I will get reminded of a similar feeling I have now. To some who have no idea what I am talking about right now, just listen to you're favorite song from eighth grade and you'll get it. Sometimes, I'm glad that that feeling has passed because these moments don't always make us feel so good. I tend to compare whats going on now then to last year and I definitely miss some of those things. But maybe soon I will develope new experiences and capture some new feelings I can store away in my heart, so ten years from now I can be reminded of my carefree and insouciant youth.
post soon!
ily forever and ever

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