October 30, 2011

Is That You?

Looking through photos from the last five years, I couldn't help but chuckle when I looked at my twin sisters braces and my awkward fourteen year old stance. Isn't it weird how we can look so different years ago but when we wake up every morning, we never see ourselves changing until a lot of time has gone by?  It was like that one day I woke up and my favorite jeans didn't fit because I grew an inch! I feel like it is going to be so weird when I am at my ten year high school reunion and we are all going to look so different, but when did we change? My father once told me that you're always the same person on the inside since your college years; it is only age that defines your look. Sure we go through some changes, make mistakes and learn new habits, but when was that point we changed? It is one of those things that randomly come up in my thoughts, so what better place to represent it then on Bee and Sea? Change is always happening but yet we can never really pinpoint when it actually does. I can't wait to look back on this blog and see if I still feel the same way about situations or even my favorite trends. Probably, hopefully. We are always changing on the outside, but are we still the same internally? 
To be continued..


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