August 10, 2011

My New Obsession

My New Cheetah Jacket!

(Bee and I at her going away dinner)

This week there was a "garage sale" for Brandy & Melville behind their Santa Monica Store. So my sister, Lauren, and I got on the road at 8 a.m because it started at 10. Arriving at 9:20, thinking we were early, had a grin on our faces and walked leisurely to the location. When we turned onto the alley way, we were in shock. The line was already 500 people long. Lauren was very hesitant in wanting to stay, but there was no going back. We were going to stay there till we got some $5 shirts and $10 dresses from one of our favorite stores. 10 o'clock rolls around and we are getting very impatient because the line had not moved an inch. I was constantly having to tell my sister "sorry, we are not leaving. I need some great deals." The most frustrating part was seeing all the little 13 year old girls cutting in front of us. At one point at least 10 girls cut right in front of us, and my sister without hesitating showed them who was boss... well actually they just stared at her and turned there backs on her. Eventually the cops showed up around 10:45 when there got to be around 4,000 people and shut it down!!! We didn't get a chance to get any clothes.. but again like I always say, "things always happen for reason." Lauren and I decided to go into a store called Cotton On. Instantly I fell in love with a fitted Cheetah print jacket shown above! The day was quite an adventure but it was all worth the memories.

ily forever and ever, Sea

1 comment:

  1. Those 13 year old girls have GO...sheesh. How obnoxious! :-/

